Sustainable Sustainability Book Review.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I must say that this book was out of my comfort zone. But with an open mind, I started reading and was left with much knowledge by the end. As a student, I have been learning these basic concepts and values, and we often talk about the need for sustainability and how we can implement these goals. However, this book specifically talks about steps taken by the corporate world towards sustainability. The main theme of Sustainable Sustainability is ESG i.e. environmental, Social, and Governance. They are the parameters that assess a company’s ability to effectively manage and contribute to the environmental and social impacts.

This was a very foreign concept to me, but the writing style makes it very easy to understand the issues that are addressed by the author. Through various corporate case studies, parallels are drawn between the good and bad that affect the environment. He strongly emphasizes how ESG is not enough and that instead of the G, there should be L which is Steward Leadership. The author’s good research and experience in the corporate industry gave a fresh perspective on aspects that are often perceived in one manner. He also dives deep into the histories of the Tata Group, Faber Castell, and Doi Tung Development Project.

Although I must say that at times I did feel a bit disconnected from the book because the link was often breaking. Regardless, I recommend reading this book as the surveys and pie charts enhanced the reading experience and things were much simplified because of those tools. The key takeaways from this book are that people can always unite together and save our environment but the need of genuine effort by the corporate sector is needed as consumers, employees, the government, and the private sector are all interlinked. Please pick up this book to gain a new perspective and hope it motivates you to do something meaningful for our environment!
Happy Reading!

The Invocations Book Review.

Hello Readers! I am back. My vacations have started and I now have all the time in the world to read books and write about them. Let me know in the comments how you are all doing. Today I will be reviewing a Young Adult Horror book. Krystal Sutherland, the author of this book is known for writing graphic spooky stories as her last book, House of Hollow also belonged to the same genre as the new release. So let’s get into the review!
I was sent a review copy by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

My Review:

This book follows three characters who all have an aim that can be fulfilled by the occult. Emer, who is a cursewriter and a powerful witch, Jude, belonged to a rich family until she tethered three demons to her soul and ruined her life. Consumed by grief, Zara’s only aim is to bring back her murdered sister from the dead. These three girls dive deep into the world of the occult and try to solve the mystery of numerous dead bodies that have turned up all over the city.

The book picks up fast from the start and once you enter this world, there is no looking back. The Invocations is one of those kind of books that you keep thinking about even when you are not reading. The book is very graphic and gruesome as it deals with a lot of death, demons, and killing. So if you get spooked easily, I highly suggest preparing yourself beforehand!

Since it is a young adult book, you will find these teenagers doing stupid things, but it was fun to read their antics. The world building as I mentioned before is very immersive, dark, and addictive. The three characters have different personalities, yet they have interconnected goals. There is a romance element but it is secondary, and I am glad that it did not steal the show of the main story. The ending was unexpected and it was a full-circle moment. The last 100 pages are packed with horrifying descriptions and demon killing, so naturally my eyes were glued to the book till the end. Overall the book is very adventurous and spooky, I highly recommend you all to read this book!
Happy Reading!

It’s good to be back.

Hey guys. It has been a really long time since I came here and wrote something. I apologize for being disconnected. I started college in August 2023 and since then I could not catch up on my writing or reading. I read some books in 2023, but those one-sitting reading sessions did not occur. Initially, I felt very guilty and sad for not blogging, but later I felt that I should not give myself a hard time, so I took it easy.

As of 2024, things are still hectic and, my schedule will become more hectic in the months to come. But, reading and writing are something that keeps me sane and I don’t want to give up my hobbies over work. So, I will start posting bookish content once a week. Starting with, I will be posting an article about the books I read in 2023.

Also, I haven’t read and checked other blogs in a long time, so I will be doing that today, because I really miss interacting with my fellow blogger friends 🙂
I will see you soon, thank you for being there.
Happy Reading!

I Am Another You Book Review.

Hello Bookish People! I am back with another book review. This one is slightly different, as I don’t read motivational self-help books. But, this book really surprised me, let’s get into the review!

I have never been so enlightened after reading a book. I usually don’t pick up motivational books, as I have experienced the over-saturation of inspirational messages. But this book read like a story, and there was so much to learn in between the pages. I understood little things from such a different perspective that we might do unintentionally. I learned so many life lessons through the path of spirituality in this book.

The author visits the Netherlands for the rituals conducted by the shamans. She is at a stage of life where she is lost and all the doors are closed for her. But when she starts those rituals, we see her transforming as a person. She has to step out of her comfort zone and do things that are not mundane. You read through her journey, where she is trying to find herself and her purpose in life.

It is a short read yet there are so many powerful instances that make you question so many things. There is a particular scene that is a bit uncomfortable to read, but that scene also taught me so much. The concept of ‘I Am Another You’ is so beautiful and I am so glad I picked up this book. I started my spiritual journey recently and this was the perfect time to read this book. Even if Self-help books are not your cup of tea, but I feel you will cherish this book!
Happy Reading!

Beneath The Midnight Sky Book Review.

Hello everyone! I am back with another book review. I was sent a copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.

This is a poetry collection about different stages of love and friendships. The 20 poems convey what a person goes through when they meet a special friend, fall in love, the phase where they long for them, and when a person goes through a heartbreak. The emotions are conveyed so intricately through good rhyming and wordplay.

I feel this book is a good start for those who want to get into poetry as you can understand the meaning of the poem very easily as they are very relatable and written in simple words, but give out a deep meaning. While I was reading this poetry collection, I could see that one or two poems were inspired by Fire and Ice by Robert Frost. So, those who appreciate Robert Frost’s works will have a good time reading this collection. I highly recommend Beneath the Midnight Sky to you all!
Happy Reading!